Water and Hydration
Water & Hydration well it’s not strictly a nutrient when in it’s purest form Use ice Drink spritzers Portion up some bottle daily Piss colour
Water & Hydration well it’s not strictly a nutrient when in it’s purest form Use ice Drink spritzers Portion up some bottle daily Piss colour
Parsley Parsley is an excellent of vitamin K1 (1 sprig contains 16µg – 20% RDA), vitamin C (10 sprig contains 14mg – 20% RDA) as well as a good source of vitamin A, folate and iron. The health benefits of parsley include controlling cancer, diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis, along with helping prevent osteoporosis. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and provides relief from gastrointestinal issues such …
Alex jones product
Virgin Olive Oil Extensive use of extra virgin olive oil has been shown to raise testosterone levels in men. Olive oil has a great fat ratios (73% MUFAs, 14% SFAs, 13% PUFAs). Olive oil is anti-inflammatory and is very high in antioxidants. Extra virgin olive oil is mechanically pressed (you may see the term cold pressed) rather …
Omega-3 The three types of omega−3 fatty acids important to the body are α-linolenic acid (ALA), found in plant oils, and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), both commonly found in marine oils. There are actually 11 different types. Just like the omega-6s, omega-3 fatty acids cannot be made by the body and we must get them from the diet. …
Grass Fed Steak Beef is a food that increases testosterone levels immensely. Grain-fed cattle in factory farms are fed mostly with GMO soy and corn. The meat coming from this kind of cattle is not as nutritionally dense as meat coming from their grass-fed counterparts. For example, grass-fed beef contains four times more vitamin K2, five times …
Omega 9 fatty acid Extra virgin olive oil is rich in omega 9. Omega-9 benefits the heart, brain and overall health. Research has shown that omega 9 fatty acids can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Omega 9 benefits heart health because they have been shown to increase HDL cholesterol and decrease LDL cholesterol. …
Phosphorus Phosphorus is an element that is part of every cell in your body. It forms part of the molecule called Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is known in biochemistry as the “molecular currency” of intracellular energy transfer; that is, ATP is able to store and transport chemical energy within cells. Phosphorus works with calcium and other nutrients to build healthy bones and teeth. Phosphorus also helps maintain normal …
Copper Copper functions as a component of a number of enzymes used by the body to reduce molecular oxygen. The RDA is 900 μg/day. Most people achieve this through diet. People may struggle with adequate copper levels if their zinc intake is very high. The best food sources of copper are liver, oysters, shiitake mushrooms, cacao …
http://www.lifeextension.com/Magazine/2016/5/Omega-7-An-Overlooked-Fatty-Acid/Page-01 (Palmitoleic acid can make up 0.3-3.5% of the nut. Omega–7 can reduce risk of type II diabetes, prevent the buildup of atherosclerotic plaque, increase beneficial HDL and lower an inflammation marker called C-reactive protein. 10 nuts should deliver 100-400mg of Omega-7 which is the dosage given to patients in scientific studies that showed a 10-15% reduction …