

Kale Kale is vegetable that is packed with vitamins (A, K, and C) as well as a substance called DIM (a potential anticancer component of cruciferous vegetables). DIM may be a powerful way to prevent estrogen dominance. For women, this means a reduction in breast cancer risk and for men, it means avoiding the side effects of …

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Methylcobalamin is the only form of B12 that can cross the blood-brain barrier without assistance or conversion. Its methyl group stimulates serotonin creation, a neurotransmitter responsible for mood support. It also works directly on brain cells to protect against damage from excitotoxins


Quality bacon Because of the mass production, conventional pigs are fed with GMO soy and corn; they’re pumped full of antibiotics. They’re fed growth hormone to make the pigs fatter in record times. So try and avoid poor bacon (or at least trim the fat where most of the hormone residue will be). Quality bacon contains omega-3 …

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Onions Onions are low in calories and high in vitamins B and vitamin C. They provide fiber as well as a range of minerals including potassium, calcium and magnesium. Onions have beneficial effect on diseases and are also high in amino acid sulfoxides (hence the smell). All onions are loaded with anti-inflammatory phytochemicals and antioxidants. …

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Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil Coconut oil is extracted from coconut flesh, leaving behind the fibre, carbohydrate and protein, the extracted oil is pure fat. Coconut oil has been shown to improve cognitive abilities, increase testosterone production and boost metabolic rate. Coconut oil increases the healthy cholesterol (HDL) in your body and also helps to reduce the LDL or cholesterol. 90 percent of …

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Dark Berries

Dark Berries Dark berries such as blueberries, blackberries and acai berries have always been super healthy. They contain resveratrol which has been found to raise testosterone levels, block estrogen synthesis and possibly activate androgen receptors. Calcium D-glucarate is found in fruits and vegetables. D-glucaric acid is believed to inhibit the action of the enzyme beta-glucuronidase, which is associated with …

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Grass Fed Butter

Grass Fed Butter Grass fed butter is an amazing food that boosts hormones. It’s a quality source for healthy saturated fats (SFAs). Grass fed butter also contains the fat-soluble vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K2, and vitamin D, all of which are linked to increased testosterone production. Make sure it is real butter and preferably from …

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There are many reasons to love pomegranates. They are berries because their seeds are embedded in the flesh. They contain lots of fibre, vitamin C, anti-oxidants, copper, manganese, phosphorus and potassium. Pomegranates are great for your heart with several research studies identifying that the antioxidants lower blood pressure and reduce arterial plaque. Pomegranates also stimulate …

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Bone broth

Beef gelatin and bone broth Collagen is a type of protein found mainly in bones, tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissue; cooking broth extracts it from the bones and cooks it into gelatin. Beef gelatin is a dense source of connective-tissue protein. 35% of the amino acids in gelatin are glycine, 11% alanine, and 21% proline and hydroxyproline.  Gelatin is also used …

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Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin

Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin Vitamin B2 is an important vitamin that also acts as an antioxidant within the body (preventing free radical damage, contributing to growth, protecting skin and eye health). Vitamin B2 is responsible for maintaining healthy blood cells, energy levels and a healthy metabolism. Foods high in vitamin B2  include milk, eggs, salmon, beef, spinach, asparagus, and broccoli. This …

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