Resveratrol Resveratrol has several therapeutic effects, it is found in berries, grapes, raisins and red wine. It has been shown to mimic effects of caloric restriction, exert anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects, and affect the initiation and progression of many diseases through several mechanisms. Resveratrol has also been found to inhibit the expression of vascular cell …
Tomatoes If you have a garden, your tomatoes are probably living their best life right about now as they tend to ripen toward the end of summer. This is your friendly reminder not to let any of that fruit-disguised-as-a-veggie go to waste this year. This is because tomatoes are an often-overlooked nutritional powerhouse. “Tomatoes are …
Green Tea
Japanese Green Tea Green tea helps to prevent cancer. Mortality rates from cancer are low in Japan and especially low in Shizuoka where the consumption of green tea is highest. The main component of green tea is catechins which have a proven effect on the reduction of cancer rates. Green tea restricts the increase of blood …
Citrus Bergamot
Citrus bergamot Citrus bergamot is a citrus plant that grows in Calabria, Italy. They are rich in polyphenols. Research has shown that citrus bergamot is great for your heart, acting in a similar fashion to statin drugs. Citrus Bergamot lowers LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol and triglycerides. It also increases HDL cholesterol. Bergamot oranges are processed …
Isothiocyanates Brocolli + cabbage stir fry (fast) + Cooked mushrooms ,onion
Vitamin B8
Inositol – AMP (was Vitamin B8) Vitamin B8 was the former name given to a distinct set of chemical compounds. This vitamin is soluble in water and is synthesized in our body as well along with its wide distribution in the nature. It is one of the nucleosides present in the RNA. It contains sugar …