Japanese Green Tea

  • Green tea helps to prevent cancer.
    Mortality rates from cancer are low in Japan and especially low in Shizuoka where the consumption of green tea is highest. The main component of green tea is catechins which have a proven effect on the reduction of cancer rates.
  • Green tea restricts the increase of blood cholesterol.
    Cholesterol causes a range of diseases in adults. The catechins in green tea restrict the build up of blood cholesterol.
  • Green tea controls high blood pressure.
    Green tea is known to help control blood pressure, catechins impede the action of chemicals that are known to effect cause blood pressure.
  • Green tea lowers the blood sugar level.
    Green tea has the capability of lowering blood sugar levels. The catechins and polysaccharides in green tea have been shown to play a key role in this reduction, this has helped in the treatment of diabetes.
  • Green tea can help to suppress ageing.
    Powerful antioxidising agents such as vitamin E and vitamin C restrain the ageing process, green tea contains both these vitamins. The main active ingredient of green tea, catechin, is thought to be a far stronger antioxidant than the two vitamins, adding to the strong weight of evidence that suggests green tea makes you look younger.
  • Green tea refreshes the body.
    Green tea contains caffeine which has a strong stimulating effect. Green tea has an advantage over coffee because the green tea caffeine combines with catechin to produce a rather milder, more natural, effect.
  • Green tea deters food poisoning.
    Green tea has the ability to kill certain bacteria. For instance, it’s strong sterilising effect on bacteria is used in the treatment of diarrhoea.
Japanese Tea