Clams are the best source of vitamin B12. This is an essential vitamin that many people are deficient in, especially people with poor gut absorption or people who drink lots of alcohol. Vitamin B12 is essential for DNA synthesis, brain function, nervous system function and red blood cell formation. It’s also essential for heart health as it aids in the breakdown of homocysteine which is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. Although required for proper metabolic function, the human body does not create this vitamin and must obtain it from dietary sources.
- A 100g portion of clams has only 150 calories and less than 3 grams of total fat and 6 grams of carbohydrates. High protein, low-calorie foods help people lose weight and prevent weight gain.
- A 100g portion of clams contains 150mg of EPA, and 200mg of DHA. EPA and DHA are omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the risk for heart disease by lowering blood triglyceride levels.
Canned clams are ideal for recipes that call for only the meat of the clams. You can buy them whole or chopped. Clam juice is often used as a cooking liquid for seafood dishes. Clam chowder is a wonderful soup that can be made and batched for future used:-
- Drain the juice from tinned clams into a large pan over the onions, celery, potatoes and carrots. Add water to cover, and cook over medium heat until the vegetables are tender.
- In a large, heavy saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Whisk in flour until smooth.
- Stir in clams just before serving.
- Add cream to the cooling mixture.
(optionally add crab, lobster. You can use cooked potatoes to thicken)

Vitamin B12 concentrations (100g)
Clam, 49mg
Oyster, Pacific 16mg
Mussel, blue 12mg
Crab, blue 9mg
Crab, Dungeness 9mg
Sockeye salmon, wild 5mg
Lobster, spiny, mixed species 3mg
Snapper, mixed species 3mg
Catfish, channel, farmed 2mg
Scallop, mixed species 1.5mg
Squid, mixed species 1.3mg
Shrimp, mixed species 1.2mg