How to do Ballerina Squat Abductions

The Ballerina Squat Abduction is an excellent resistance band exercise. The hips are the cornerstone of most body movements. Our hips comprise of glutes to the smaller hip flexors and abductors. They stabilise your thighs, and keep the knees in line.

Guide to Ballerina Squat Abductions

  1. Place a resistance band around your knees.
  2. Rise onto your toes.
  3. Bring the knees out to get tension on the band.
  4. Relax and repeat. (you may need to hold onto something for stability)
A great lower body exercise. The abduction part adds an unusual variation.
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Muscle groups worked with the Ballerina Squat Abduction

How to do Ballerina Squat Abductions