Nature has created a 9 month gestation period that develops a clump of cells into a fully developed baby. When a mother eats a good diet and takes no medications, the baby will develop normally. Even with dietary deficiency, the mothers body will prioritise the nutrients to the foetus, and deplete the mothers system.
Women must consume enough macro-nutrients to give their body energy. Studies predict that energy requirements increase by an estimated 300 kcal/day during pregnancy, but in practice, most women will require only approximately 200 additional kcal/day due to reduced levels of physical activity during pregnancy. So the old adage "eating for two" isn't really correct.
- Calorie controlled diets should never be considered during pregnancy.
- A 16/8 intermittent fasting approach can be taken.
- Certain exercises are very beneficial.
- Eat micro-nutrient dense foods to maintain healthy body function and give the baby the best start.
- Avoid processed foods and added sugars during pregnancy.
- Avoid cheap foods that may contain pesticide residues, heavy metals or chemical additives.
- The top 6 foods are liver, free range eggs, wild salmon, full-fat organic dairy, grass fed meats and bone broth.
Micro-nutrients have important influences on the health of pregnant women and the growing foetus.
- Vitamin D during pregnancy is one of the most important things you can do for the health of your child. According to Dr Mercola, vitamin D can also cut the risk of premature birth, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes and prenatal infections by approximately 50%. Get out in the sunshine and supplement with vitamin D3.
- Iron deficiency results in anaemia and effects fetal development.
- Calcium is needed for deposition in bone tissues to help bones grow and maintain their density. Magnesium and vitamin D are needed to properly absorb calcium in the gut.
- Folic acid (B9) deficiency can lead to malformations.
- Zinc deficiency has been associated with growth retardation, congenital abnormalities and retarded development of the foetus.
- Iodine deficiency during pregnancy results in stunted growth and premature delivery. A woman's RDA for iodine rises 50% during pregnancy.
- Deficiency of other minerals such as magnesium, selenium and copper have also been associated with complications of pregnancy, childbirth or foetal development.
- Vitamin A is required to maintain the health of the eyes. Eating vitamin A rich foods or taking vitamin A supplements in pregnancy reduced maternal mortality by 50%. Vitamin A regulates the way in which foetal cells differentiate to form different parts of the eye.
- Pregnant women need lots of vitamin B7, as it is thought that 1/3 of pregnant women become deficient because of the needs of the baby.
- Salt. Low salt levels are very bad for fetuses and babies. Pregnant women have natural salt cravings.
- Consuming large quantities of parsley can lead to problems for pregnant women (due to uterine contractions). Angelica Root, Blue Cohosh, Ginger, Parsley, Pennyroyal and Rosemary are all known to encourage menstruation. Long before the morning after pill, women were using herbal preparations for just that purpose.
If you want to optimise your babies health and mind, it's critical to have all the micro-nutrients covered. Some women may have absorption issues (due to genetics or poor gut health), so it would be beneficial to have some critical micro-nutrient tests done during each trimester.
Gut health for mother and baby
Microbes in the gut produce vitamins, essential amino acid, short chain fatty acids and many other important byproducts from the food we ingest. Our gut doesn't just process food, it's a vastly complex chemical factory that influences every aspect of our health and mental status.
When a baby is born, its gut is completely sterile because the baby was fed via the placenta in the womb. During a normal birth, it picks up microbes from the mothers vagina. Just like the gut, the vagina contains of trillions of micro-organisms, mostly bacteria, plus some fungi and viruses. The primary colonising bacteria of a healthy vagina is called lactobacillus. It helps to keep the environment acidic and discourage other bacteria, yeast and viruses from thriving. More bacteria are added during breast feeding and from the non-sterile environment. When these natural events occur, the baby quickly develops a very diverse gut microbiota. By the age of two, a child's microbiota will resemble that of an adult. If babies are delivered by Caesarean section, they do not experience the mother's microbes. Bottle feeding formula milk will also reduce the baby's microbiota. But the biggest danger comes from antibiotics, which can destroy the child's gut microbiota. This of course is true for adults who take antibiotics. Modern antibiotics are very over-prescribed and are wide-spectrum, meaning that they kill many varieties of bacteria. Antibiotics can effect the brain development of children. Many believe that antibiotics are an underlying cause of autism. Behaviour and mood can change drastically after courses of antibiotics. Doctors are too keen to give babies and infants antibiotics, but there are often natural remedies.
Children's health and nutrition
Zinc, iron, vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin D, omega 3 and magnesium are critical for healthy brain function. Blood sugar swings from a diet rich in process carbohydrates will contribute to poor behaviour.
- Zinc: Children taking an extra zinc responded more quickly and accurately on memory tasks and had better attention. More than 70 enzymes depend on zinc to perform their roles in digestion and metabolism. Children who don't get enough zinc risk stunted growth. Here is the RDA: Ages 1-3 years: 3mg per day, 4-8 years: 5mg per day, 9-13 years: 8mg per day. Oysters, beef, crab, Lamb, pumpkin seeds, beef, lobster and dark chocolate seem to come out on top in zinc intake. Care must be taken if children are consuming too many nuts and seeds, as these contain phytates that bind to zinc.
- Vitamin A is critical for child development. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and potent antioxidant. It plays a critical role in maintaining eye health, brain function, healthy skin, immune function, reproduction and cellular communication. Vitamin A also plays a critical role in the normal formation and maintenance of the heart, lungs, kidneys and other organs. We can get vitamin A from foods containing vitamin A and Beta-carotene (a nutrient your body converts to vitamin A. Our advice would be to give your child a mix or retinol and beta-carotene food sources as you can’t guarantee a good conversion of beta-carotene. Lots of carrots, red peppers, mackerel, pastured eggs, quality tuna, grass fed butter. Try and eat at least a couple of sweet potatoes a week plus a liver product twice a week (liver, liver wurst or liver pate). Halibut oil capsules are a great back up.
- Vitamin D is a fat-soluble wonder compound for children, responsible for increasing intestinal absorption of calcium, magnesium, phosphate and multiple other biological processes. Low vitamin D in children will result in poor bone growth, even with a calcium rich diet. Vitamin D is present in few foods (such as salmon, cod liver oil, sardines, tuna, mackerel, fortified yogurts, fortified milk, fortified cereals and eggs), plus it's also available as a dietary supplement. Your body is get vitamin D from the sun when UVB rays strike the skin and triggers vitamin D synthesis. Children should be encouraged to go out in the sunshine for short periods. Only about one percent of solar UVB radiation ever reaches the earth’s surface even in the summer at noon time. During the winter when living above and below approximately 33° latitude very little if any vitamin D3 can be produced in the skin from sun exposure. Children who live farther North and South often cannot make any vitamin D3 in their skin for up to 6 months of the year, so they must get vitamin D from food and supplementation. The safe upper limit for infants up to 12 months old is 1,000 to 1,500 IU daily. For kids 1 to 8 years old, the safe upper limit is 2,500 to 3,000 IU each day (an infant isn't going to get too much from food).
- Vitamin C is critical to a child's development. Don't give your children fruit juice for vitamin C, fruit juices are loaded with sugar and lack the fibre present in the whole fruit.Vitamin C is a crucial antioxidant. Children need vitamin C to synthesise important compounds such as collagen, which is needed for growth. Guava is the star (1 fruit): 400mg. Kiwi fruit (1 fruit): 80mg. Papaya (1 whole): 180mg. Blueberries (1/2 cup): 80mg. Medium orange: 70mg. Pineapple (1 cup): 90mg. Red or green peppers (1 pepper): 110mg. Strawberries (1 cup): 90mg. Kale, cabbage, broccoli (1 cup): 60-100mg. Children ages 1-3 should not get more than 400mg of vitamin C a day. Children ages 4-8 should not get more than 650mg a day. Children need to grow up with fruit, nuts and seeds as snacks - rather than chocolate, candy, crisps, biscuits and junk. Avoid buying supplement such as "gummy bears" that contain sugar or artificial sweeteners.
- B vitamin deficiencies often contribute to ADHD type behaviours. Particularly vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. Liver based foods, seafood, nutritional yeast and vegetables are great sources of B vitamins. Supplementation is also very cheap and effective.
- Nutritional yeast is a great source of complete protein and vitamins, in particular B vitamins. It’s low in sodium and fat, gluten-free, and doesn’t contain any added sugars. It is also contains zinc. The fortified yeast version contains vitamin B12 as well as vitamin B6. Small amounts of yeast can be added to many drinks and meals (mashed potato, pasta and soups). It has a mild nutty, cheesy taste so a spoonful in a big dish will go largely unnoticed. 1 teaspoon (3.5g) of fortified yeast contains large amounts of vitamin B (185% RDA of vitamin B1, 135%RDA of vitamin B2, 70% RDA of vitamin B6, 55% RDA of vitamin B3. 70% RDA of vitamin B12, 65% RDA of vitamin B9 (folate).
- Omega-3 is probably the most well known child supplement, usually taken as a fish oil. 95% of fish oils are heavily processed and contain the rancid oils of farmed or low quality fish. We recommend krill oil supplements in capsule form. As well as being rich in omega-3, the krill oil also contains the potent anti-oxidant called astaxanthin. The three types of omega−3 fatty acids important to the body are α-linolenic acid (ALA), found in plant oils, and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA is important for a child's developing brain), both commonly found in marine oils. Just like the omega-6s, omega-3 fatty acids cannot be made by the body and children must get them from the diet. Current evidence indicates that omega-3 administered during pregnancy or breastfeeding has no effect on the skills or cognitive development of children in later stages of development. Evidence regarding the improvement of cognitive function for children inconclusive. However, omega-3 is a critical micro-nutrient for children and a quality fish or krill oil is a good idea. Try and get your child to eat oily fish on a regular basis.
- Probiotics and prebiotics: Probiotics are foods that contain bacteria that are beneficial to the gut microbiota, such a yogurts and fermented foods. Prebiotics are foods that pass undigested through to the colon, where they feed the gut bacteria, such as fibre. Foods that have been fermented contain many micro-nutrients as well as billions of bacteria. Choose foods such as natural yogurts, kimchi, sauerkraut, natto and blue cheese. Natto is an amazing fermented food because it contains vast amounts of vitamin K2. Sauerkraut is also super high in vitamin C. The microbes in fermented foods are also far more likely than most other bacteria to make it safely down and develop in a child's colon, because they are extremely resistant to acid, having developed in an acidic environment.
- Calcium is essential for bone health. Go for quality full-fat milk and yogurts. But make sure children are getting enough vitamin D and magnesium as these are required for calcium absorption.
- Collagen is needed for growth. Collagen is a type of protein found mainly in bones, tendons, ligaments, skin and other connective tissue. Without vitamin C, collagen formation is disrupted. Try and encourage your children to eat meat and fish with the skin on, also go for meats on the bone. Bone broth is a wonderful thing the whole family can benefit from, it's cheap to make and can be used as a base for delicious soups and stews.
- Salt and electrolytes are critical for development. Deficiencies in sodium can result in severe symptoms and potassium is hard to get in a typical western child's diet. Salt is good for children.
- Raw Cacao and Dark Chocolate. Cacao is the raw form and contains the most anti-oxidants. 70+% dark chocolate has slightly less. Try and give your child a taste for good quality chocolate.
- Cinnamon is one of the most anti-oxidant rich herbs that also plays a powerful role in blood sugar stability. Cinnamon helps protect the neurons from free radical stress and stimulate insulin receptors which allows for greater blood sugar stabilisation. It also improves brain-derived neurotrophic growth factors (BDNF).
- Grass feed meats. Commercial meats are often sourced from a concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO). in these CAFOs the animals rarely see daylight and are fed growth promoters, antibiotics and corn based food. The micro-nutrient profile of meat that is pasture fed is far superior.
- Wild Alaskan salmon. This is full of omega 3 fatty acids (EPA & DHA) which are crucial for healthy neurology and brain function. Wild salmon is rich in the potent anti-oxidant astaxanthin which gives it a characteristic pink colour.
- Fibre is essential for a child's gut microbiota. If children just eat easily digested carbs and sugars, they will starve their gut bacteria of food. Fibre is essentially complex carbs that cannot be digested by the stomach and small intestines. The best example of this is in nature, breast milk has evolved to contain oligosaccharides, these are a group of complex carbohydrates that act as a prebiotic, helping to shape the infant’s gut microbiome by facilitating the selection of beneficial bacteria. It is vital that children continue to get a varied source of fibre (prebiotics) to maintain a healthy gut. Your child's diet should include pears (13% fibre as pectin), lentils, beans, guava, avocado, apples, mango, chia seeds (10g per ounce), flax seeds (for girls), sweet potatoes, russet potatoes, broccoli, spinach, quinoa, konjac noodles. There are also drinks and jellies you can buy that contain fibre, but beware the added sugars.
There are no such thing as a children's meal. You go into a restaurant and see a menu of salmon, white fish, lamb, beef, vegetables, chicken, liver etc.... but then you see the 'children's menu' that contains chicken nuggets & fries, mac & cheese, spaghetti bolognese, fish fingers etc. Children's menus are essentially junk food. Once children get teeth, they should be eating whole foods just like an adult.
A varied gut microbiota for children is essential.....
- Buy then some pets.
- Let them roll around in mud.
- Let them eat mud.
- Maximise their exposure to dirt and microbes.
- Let them play outside.
- Get them off their phones and gadgets in your super clean house.
- Let them climb trees and run around.
- Stop washing them all the time.
- Stop using anti-bacterial cleaners around the house.
- Use simple washing flakes for washing clothes.
- Get rid of all environmental toxins from your home
- Make your own toothpaste.
- Feed them varied natural foods and throw out all the processed foods.
- Get them to eat to low glycemic index fruits.
The causes of ADHD and behavioural issues
Lack of attention, aggressiveness, hyperactivity, poor sleep patterns and anger are all signs of ADHD and behavioural issues in children (and they can also be signs of shitty parenting!). Doctors will try and treat the "illness" with drugs such as ritalin and adderall. Deficiency of micro-nutrients and a poor gut microbiota is identified in almost all cases of ADHD.
A sufficient diet providing appropriate protein, carbohydrates and fats promotes the brain’s structure and energy production, yet tiny micro-nutrients are critical for balancing neurochemicals and transmitting signals correctly. A lot of the issues stem from micro-nutrient deficiencies and a very poor gut-microbiota. The gut produces critical chemicals that are required by the brain. Fix the gut and you fix the behaviour. The following are all critical in the avoidance and reduction of ADHD symptoms:-
- Vitamin D.
- Vitamin B6 (some studies cite B6 as being as effective as ritalin. Deficiencies of vitamin B6 during pregnancy can significantly compromise brain development, nerve conductivity and neurotransmitter regulation
- Vitamin B12.
- Zinc (critical for regulation of dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin and GABA.
- Magnesium is the most crucial micro-nutrient for optimal brain performance. It regulates virtually all enzyme reactions, nerve signal conduction and the function of dopamine and serotonin. Magnesium also inhibits of excitatory glutamate receptors and promotes GABA receptors.
- Iron (ADHD children on iron supplements show beneficial effects on symptoms without side effects).
- Vitamin C (a critical component of the antioxidant system. Vitamin C participates in metabolic reactions that aid the brain in its ability to remove neurotoxins and reduce oxidative damage by excessive levels of copper, iron and lead.
Vegetarian and vegan diets are not good for children. Children need animal fats to thrive. Even the most perfect well researched vegan diets can cause lasting harm.
Minimise screen and computer time
A child's brain needs to be challenged with a combination of body movements and mental activities. When these varied challenges occur, the brains neural pathways form and develop. It's all about balancing activities, a little bit of smart phone or computer use is a good thing. The main problem with computer games and social media is that they are designed to be addictive. They best strategy for small children is to minimise screen time as much as possible. Children should be playing outside and socialising with friends, or......
- Reading or writing a fictional story.
- Colouring and drawing.
- Playing with friends.
- Climbing, skipping and running.
- Solving a maths problem.
- Building a structure.
- Dressing up.
- Learning a musical instrument
- Learning a martial art
![Computer use Computer use](
Mobile phones and eye health
The sun was once the major source of lighting, and people spent their evenings in relative darkness. The cellular rods in our eyes, that work in low light, outnumber the cones by 10:1. But with modern day living, our evenings are illuminated with smart phones, LED screens and artificial lights. At night, light throws out our biological clock. This is the the circadian rhythm that is based upon 24 hours. Research shows that disruptions to the circadian rhythm contributes to cancer, diabetes, fatigue, heart disease and obesity.
Blue wavelengths are beneficial during daylight hours because they boost mental performance. But the blue rays are disruptive at night. Computer screens, phones and LED lights at night give us all excessive exposure to blue light. Even low light can interfere with a person's circadian rhythm and melatonin secretion. Blue light at night adds to sleep disorders, depression and health problems.
Cooking skills for children
The best way to get children interested in a wide variety of foods is to involve them in preparation and cooking. They need to develop a relationship and a good understanding of food.
- Children can chop vegetables.
- Children can learn how to bake bread and cakes.
- Children can learn how to make healthy meals.
- Children can prepare salads.
Exercise for children
- Encourage your child to take part in sports at school (including after-school classes).
- Enrol them in clubs such as judo and other martial arts.
- Go out for walks.
- Encourage friendships with active children (not sedentary children).
- Buy them a quality bike.
- Encourage them to play outside.
- Make sure Christmas and birthday presents are sports related.
- Suggest activities such as swimming, trampolining, climbing, roller blading, skating cycling, hiking etc.
- Go on family holidays and weekend breaks that include outdoor activities.
Children need a regular supply of nutrient dense foods and they must stay away from filling up on empty carbs. There are 180 calories in a pack of Starburst. A big bar of Snickers will set you back 280 calories. A large tube of Pringles contains over 800 calories. So it is very easy to consume 500 calories within a few minutes. How much exercise would you need to perform to work off 500 calories?
- 5 miles walking.
- 40 minutes of HIIT exercise.
- An hour of breast stroke swimming.
- 45 minutes of brisk cycling.
- 90 minutes of lifting weights.
So as you can see, it's very difficult to beat a bad diet. Children must eat clean nutritious foods and stay away from processed high sugar foods.
Acne in teenagers
Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that causes spots and pimples, especially on the face, shoulders and back. It often first hits at the most vulnerable time for young people, early to mid teens. It causes low self-esteem and can cause lasting skin scarring. Acne is a very common problem, particularly during puberty, and is thought to be caused by an increased production of an oily fat called sebum in the skin. The increased production of sebum leads to a blockage of the sebaceous gland duct (often found around a hair follicle). This can cause a blackhead or white head (raised white sebum pus) which can become infected and develops into the characteristic red acne lesion. Genetics do play a role in the development of acne, but the severity and longer-term scarring can be managed with dietary and lifestyle changes.
- Reduce sugars and processed carbs in the diet. Low glycemic index (GI) fruits are perfect to combat acne, plus they contain micro-nutrients and anti-oxidants. Grain-based food, sugars and dairy products are the nutritional staples of Western diet. High glycemic diets are recognised as an aggravating factor of acne. Low glycemic load diets improve acne and decreased the bioavailability of free IGF-1 in plasma.
- Reduce inflammatory oils in the diet.
- Retinoids reduce the amount of sebum produced by the sebaceous glands. The retinoids are a class of chemical compounds that are chemically related to vitamin A. They are applied as a gel or cream. But a diet rich in vitamin A will also help.
- Propionibacterium acnes (p.acnes) is a gram-positive human skin bacteria that prefers anaerobic growth conditions. It is involved in the pathogenesis of acne. P.acnes bacteria uses your skin's sebum for food and resides in skin folicles. Antioxidants such as Quercetin (found in green olives) have been found to hinder the bacteria. Tea tree oil and Manuka honey both help relieve the bacterial effects.
- Vitamin C plays a key role in collagen synthesis. Vitamin C has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to safely treat various skin diseases. it promotes collagen synthesis, inhibits melanin production, and scavenges free radicals which restores and brightens damaged skin damaged by an acne breakout.
- Vitamin B2, vitamin B3 and vitamin B6 play an overall role bodily and cellular functions. The B vitamins assist in enzyme activation and assist hormone production and balance.
- Zinc is a nutrient that can reduce acne inflammation. Taken both orally and applied directly to the skin (zinc oxide cream has been used for centuries to treat nappy rash and other skin problems).
- Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin and a potent antioxidant. It fights sebum oil oxidation and helps prevent this spread of bacteria.
- Supplement with selenium or ensure enough is in your diet. Selenium levels are typically very low in acne sufferers.
- Resveratrol is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound found in red wine and red grapes that has been shown to have wound-healing abilities. Studies found that resveratrol is the removal of compounds implicated in the formation of inflammatory acne lesions. If your teenager is going to drink, make sure it's a good red wine!
- Don't pick or burst whiteheads and blackheads.
- Don't over cleanse with harsh chemicals and cleansers.
- Stay hydrated.
- Your skin is slightly acidic, use a combination of organic apple cider vinegar and organic honey and a mask.
- Use cold-pressed coconut oil to moisturise skin.
- Use collagen loading to optimise your skin health and provide the building blocks for the repair of scar tissue.
- Improving gut health will fight acne.
If acne is severe and skin is pitted and scarred, there are 2 great things you can do to repair the damage. These are fasting and collagen loading. Fasting promotes autophagy which is a process of cellular healing. Collagen is a vital component of skin.
Children's teeth
- Use xylitol products. Switch chewing gum, mints, sweets, toothpaste and mouthwash now! Five exposures to xylitol each day will reduce plaque as effectively as brushing your teeth. Xylitol is a natural sugar alcohol and not an artificial sweetener. It looks and tastes like “table sugar,” but contains only 40% fewer calories than other carbohydrates. Xylitol reduces the levels of mutans streptococci (MS) in plaque and saliva by disrupting their energy production processes, leading to bacterial cell death. It reduces the adhesion of these microorganisms to the teeth surface and also reduces their acid production potential. Optimal inhibition of S. mutans growth by xylitol occurs with its total daily consumption of 5–6 g at a frequency of three or more times per day. It's the frequency that matters, so get your child to use a xylitol product (toothpaste, mouthwash, chewing gum or candy) 5-7 times a day. Research has shown that the use of xylitol helps repair damage to the enamel. Xylitol also prevents bacteria from sticking to the teeth.
- Ensure that children eat a calcium rich diet that includes full fat dairy. Calcium is only absorbed in the presence of vitamin D and magnesium, so make sure these are both high. Magnesium is chiefly found in dark green vegetables which are often ignored by children.
- Fluoride is a poison. From the 1970s, the US, UK and many Western nations were totally focused on fluoride with water fluoridation, and pastes and fluoride toothpastes. Iodine is vitally important for the human body, but iodine chemically similar to fluorine. However, fluorine is way more reactive that iodine and easily dominates. Research shows that fluoride exposure worsens the impact of an iodine deficiency. Iodine is the basic building block of the T3 and T4 hormones and is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. When iodine intake is inadequate during infancy and early childhood, the child’s brain can suffer permanent damage, including mental retardation.
- Children need to have supervised brushing.
- Lack of fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K2). Vitamin A helps maintain the structural and functional integrity of mucosal cells. Vitamin A also plays a key role in the normal function of several types of immune cells. Vitamin D is required for calcium absorption, when Vitamin D levels are too low, no Calcium is put back into bones and teeth. Vitamin E, just like vitamin C, helps prevent gum disease by doing two things: reducing inflammation and serving as an antioxidant. Vitamin K2 is especially important at controls where calcium goes in the body, either into teeth and bone, or into soft tissue (Osteocalcin is a noncollagenous protein hormone found in bone and dentin, its synthesis is vitamin K2 dependent).
- Reduce processed sugar consumption. A Western diet is loaded with simple sugars, and worse still, children tend to graze on sugars all day long. Sugar provides food for our harmful mouth bacteria. These produce acids that damage the hard enamel (or teeth that are emerging).
- Gum problems. Plaque contains germs which attack the healthy tissue around the teeth. This will cause the gums to become inflamed and irritated, which may cause them to bleed when brushing or flossing. Vitamin C deficiency can also cause bleeding gums (mild scurvy!).
- Try to give your child low glycemic index fruits.
Vaccines and antibiotics - the link with autism
The worldwide vaccine trade nets tens of billions of dollars. Dissenting voices are shot down, any medical or research professional that speaks out is discredited and destroyed. Vaccines are designed to trigger a huge immune response and multiple doses are usually given. Vaccines contain neurotoxins such as mercury and aluminium (plus dozens of chemicals).
You could find thousands of articles on both sides of the debate, and it's beyond the scope of this website. We believe that vaccines have contributed to soaring autism rates. Parents should stay clear of multiple dose vaccines. If an individual vaccine is thought to be necessary, parents should seek a source that is preservative free, plus you should also demand to see the written inserts. Never allow your child to be vaccinated if they are ill.
In the United States, mandatory vaccines have soured to 70+ doses of 17 vaccines in a child's lifetime. Vaccine manufactures were given immunity from lawsuits by a corrupt Congress in 1986. Since then, over $3 billion has awarded to parents who have lost children through vaccine injury (from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program fund). Thousands of case have been documented where perfectly healthy toddlers (talking and walking) have been transformed into severely autistic children.
![Autism Rates Autism Rates](
Antibiotics have been both a blessing and a curse. Antibiotics are given far to readily, especially to children. We think of the main problem as being the development of resistant bacteria, but one of the main issues is the devastating effect antibiotics have upon upon the gut microbiota. Wide spectrum strong antibiotics are given to babies and children with not mention of gut health to parents. Our microbes produce essential micro nutrients that are both neuro-protective or essential to the brain. When these microbes are removed, there can be several unforeseen issues that can affect a child's developing brain.
Autism rates have soared in the past few decades, and the link to antibiotic use has been largely ignored. How many parents are told that their babies antibiotics (or vaccines) could lead to brain serious brain injury? Autism has rocketed to epidemic levels due to:
- The use of wide spectrum antibiotics in small children.
- The use of neuro-toxic vaccines in multiple doses (US children get 72 doses of 17 vaccines).
- Environmental toxins such as glyphosate and fluorinated chemicals.
Old age could bring you Alzheimer's, dementia, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, stress and cancer. Even ending up in a nursing home or requiring the family to care of you. Regain your quality of life by making a start today.