Cancer prevention & natural cures

Putting aside genetics (these were the cards you were dealt with at conception) there are many easy ways of significantly lowering the risk of getting cancer. No one is exempt from some risk....

  • Incredibly healthy people get cancer.
  • Incredibly wealthy people get cancer (eg. Steve Jobs of Apple).
  • Doctors and surgeons get cancer.
  • People who have never smoked get lung cancer.

Men born in 1960 have a lifetime cancer risk of 53.5%, while women have a 47.5% risk. Cancer incidence has soared since the 1960's and it's linked to the foods you eat, some lifestyle factors and the environmental toxins that you expose yourself to. You have to just sit down and look at probabilities and liken it to a game of Russian roulette, the only difference is that you get to decide how many bullets get loaded into the chambers. It seems that if you minimise all the risks and have a healthy diet you might be loading one bullet out of six. If you have an average lifestyle you will load three of the six chambers. If you are obese, smoke, drink and have a terrible diet you might load five (or even all of them!). Cancer is also a disease where the conventional 'cures' will most likely kill you. The conventional approaches to cancer from governments and health professionals is nothing short of shameful, with billions being funnelled into drug companies who are focused upon treating the symptoms and not the cause. The pink ribbon brigade are both naively compassionate and a scam. Cancer is preventable in most cases and can be cured by such things as diet, radical lifestyle changes and fasting. Humans are the sickest species on the planet, as rates of chronic diseases are already at epidemic levels.

Strategies that prevent cancer

  •  Diet.
    • Reduce sugar and carb intake.
    • Eat probiotic foods.
    • Ditch processed foods
    • Eat foods and supplements known to be cancer preventing.
    • Eat foods and supplements known to be anti-inflammatory.
    • Eat antioxidant rich foods and supplements.
    • Take immune-boosting foods and supplements.
    • Avoid cancer causing substances.
    • Reduce alcohol intake (alcohol is an inflammatory toxin).
  • Stop smoking.
  • Balance hormones.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Lose weight.
  • Avoid cancer causing substances at home and in the environment.
  • Immunosuppression.
  • Protect against infectious agents.

The real solution for treating cancer and disease is not found in a doctors surgery, but rather is found in regulating the metabolic functions within our bodies. Research continues to show that sugar is the main source of fuel which feeds cancer and contributes to an inflammatory environment. Sugar essentially increases the risk for cancer and disease.

Endocrine disruptors

Chemicals such as the widely used weed killer glyphosate and BPA found in plastics put you at a much greater risk of cancer. You should do everything possible to minimise your exposure to chemicals found at home, in the environment and in our foods. Some chemicals have a direct cancer causing effect, whilst other chemicals tax our immune system or cause inflammation or oxidative stress. Our bodies have incredible cellular repair systems that combat

  • Always go for organic or pasture raised foods.
  • Avoid chemical based toothpastes (you can make your own with coconut oil, baking soda and peppermint oil). Your mouth is actually one of the most absorbent places in your entire body. This is why some medications are administered sublingually, or under your tongue. The chemicals in your toothpaste enter your mouth and gums, which are the gateway to every system in your body.

Cancer growth depends on glycolysis

Altered energy metabolism is a biochemical fingerprint of cancer cells that represents one of the “hallmarks of cancer”. Cancel cells have a greater dependence on glycolysis.  Glycolysis is the sequence of reactions for the breakdown of Glucose to two molecules of pyruvic acid under aerobic conditions; or lactate under anaerobic conditions. This produces energy.

At the end of glycolysis, pyruvate can be broken down (oxidized) all the way to carbon dioxide in cellular respiration

Uptake of glucose can be 10x that of normal cells. Cancer cells have ten times more insulin receptors on their cellular surface. This enables cancer cells to gorge themselves on glucose at a very high rate. Consuming sugar as your primary diet source will allow cancer cells to thrive and spread. The lowest survival rate in cancer patients is among those with the highest blood sugar levels. Cancer patients who already have diabetes have a greater chance of dying of the disease than cancer patients who do not have high blood-sugar levels and insulin. The researchers found that people with diabetes had about a 1.4 times greater risk of dying of cancer than patients without blood-sugar problems.

So most cancer cells love glucose. The research suggests that glucose depletion therapies might work against tumors as long as the cancer cells are producing a protein called PKCζ (Protein kinase C, zeta). When PKCζ is missing from cancer cells, tumors are able to use alternative nutrients. What's more, the lower the PKCζ levels, the more aggressive the tumor can be.

Cancer diagnosis

There are many different types of cancer. If you are diagnosed with cancer, you have many options:-

  1. Conventional medicine route (chemotherapy, drugs, surgery).
  2. The natural route, using fasting, foods and supplements.
  3. A mixture of 1 & 2.
  4. Do nothing.

What if you are diagnosed with cancer? Chemotherapy, drugs, surgery are the prescribed medical route, but the consequences of these treatments are very severe leading to  many horrid complications. You could take a different approach to conventional medicine, with a complete lifestyle change:-

  • No colonoscopies, no invasive procedures and certainly no drugs.
  • Find a non-mainstream doctor that knows about the true causes of cancer. Or find a good hospital (anywhere in the world) that would help with an alternative strategy.
  • Spend hours researching.
  • Dry and electrolyte fasting promoting big weight loss and autophagy. Long fasts interspersed with clean focused eating, based on a tight eating window.
  • Exercise and massage.
  • No alcohol.
  • No sugar.
  • Ketogenic style diet (between fasts) consisting of anti-inflammatory foods and anti-cancer foods.
  • Every food item would be 100% organic and pastured.
  • Pre-biotic food intake.
  • Fermented food protocol.
  • A diet rich in herbs and natural spices such as turmeric, ginger, garlic, ginseng, parsley and olive leaf.
  • Find a hospital with the best CTC imaging systems. Repeat after 2-3 months of a total lifestyle change and see the comparison.
  • Drink bone broth and focus upon collagen and amino acid intake.
  • Megadoses of vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin B's and anti-oxidants such as caretenoids and astaxanthin.
  • A perfect micro-nutrient profile, particularly magnesium, calcium, selenium, iodine, zinc and boron.
  • Cold and hot shock therapy.
  • Stress reduction and breathing exercises.
  • Focus on sleep.
  • Do a fecal microbiota transplant.
  • Do some testing to investigate possible genetic factors.
  • Consider hyperbaric oxygen therapy.


Colonoscopies are an invasive procedure that cause more harm than good, they are driven by money. It is a complex procedure and not just simply popping a camera up your rear!

  • The procedure requires a thorough washing out of the colon with large doses of synthetic laxatives. This is followed by bowel irrigation with polyethylene glycol and electrolytes. This wipes out your gut microbiota. Once the bacteria have been wiped out you are instantly susceptible to chronic diseases. 2-3 kg of bacteria that took a lifetime to create - gone.
  • It is a very invasive procedure that creates inflammation, tearing and perforation. The body will kick in a massive autoimmune response that can have long term serious effects and even lead to death.
  • The risks of delayed bleeding, infection and ulceration are even higher.
  • X-ray exposure from a single virtual colonoscopy increases one‘s lifetime risk of general cancer.
  • Procedures performed under anesthesia are risky.
  • Blood clotting increases the risks of stroke, heart attack and pulmonary embolisms.
  • Doctors miss many polyps and even fully developing tumors. Some doctors perform dozens of colonoscopies daily at a cost of $3000, so speed is important.  Colonoscopies are done under anesthesia so that the tube can be rammed in quickly.
  • In the US, when a patient presents with rectal bleeding or other symptoms consistent with colon cancer, it is within the standard of reasonable care to recommend a colonoscopy (they can be sued if they don't). Colonoscopy lawsuits are a big industry in the USA, but doctors see this as cost of doing business.
  • There are no regulations for cleaning colonoscopy scopes or maintaining the equipment and this often leads to complications and contamination.
  • In the US, 15 million colonoscopies are done annually. The incidence of colon cancer is on the rise (due to diet and terrible sedentary lifestyles) and this will mean a windfall for the hospitals as the screening will be lowered.
  • According to the report “Complications of Colonoscopy in an Integrated Health Care Delivery System,” the combined injury and kill-rate of colonoscopy-related complications is 0.5 percent, or about 70,000 per year in the US. 50,000 die each year from colon cancer and rectal cancer combined.
  • Sigmoidoscopy only looks at the lower part of the colon and is therefore less invasive.
  • Polyp removal and biopsies are common. Some early stage colon tumors and most polyps are removed during a colonoscopy. The removal of the polyp causes scarring, bleeding and huge inflammation which can cause even more complications.
  • Surgery occurs when the polyps are too large to be removed during a colonoscopy.

Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy for colon cancer

When polyps are too frequent or large, or if cancerous tumours exist, portions of the colon can be removed via surgery. This is called a "resection or colectomy".  The complete removal of the colon could result in a colostomy, where the faeces are passed into an external bag. the repercussions of this procedure are huge and so it should be avoided at all cost.

Chemotherapy as a treatment for colon cancer has a poor success rate. Chemotherapy probably causes or hastens death rather than treat the underlying cancer. Highly toxic chemo medications often give patients just a few more months of life, often or kill them prematurely or cause more cancer down the line. Chemo drugs have a disastrous effect upon the gut microbiota.

Radiotherapy sends intense focused beams of radiation into the colon to try and kill the cancer cells. The radiation induces dysbiosis (microbial imbalance or  bad adaptation), causing injury and intestinal inflammation.

So the conventional options for suspected colon cancer are pretty devastating. However they all ignore the real reasons that the polyps, lesions and growths develop in the first place. This is bad nutrition, toxins and the neglect of the microbiota. Simply removing a polyp does not treat the cause, nor does it actually remove all the offending tissue.

CTC Scans (virtual colonoscopies)

With a CTC scan (also known as virtual colonoscopy), doctors can view the colon just like an x-ray. CTC is a medical imaging procedure which uses x-rays and computers to produce 2D and 3D images of the colon. It is totally non-invasive, but you still need to take laxatives and enemas to clear the colon (flushing away the microobiota).

Studies have shown that virtual colonoscopy has detection rates similar to traditional colonoscopy for cancer and most types of polyps. In other words, many are missed! If polyps are found then it might not be the end of the world, because if you do a M2-PK stool test and the enzyme biomarker M2-pyruvate kinase (an enzyme produced by colorectal cancers) is negative then

  • Patients with larger polyps are referred for endoscopic follow-up and removal. The way better option is polyp surveillance. This is when the scan is repeated and the scans compared.
  • If the first scan showed problems, you should do a complete lifestyle change (see, What if I was diagnosed with colon cancer below) and then get re-scanned after 2-3 months. You can then follow up with monthly M2-PK stool tests.

The only 2 problems with the CTC imaging is that it will expose your body to radiation and slightly increase your overall cancer risk (but this risk could be counter reduced by following colon-friendly lifestyle changes). The second BIG problem is that it requires your colon to be flushed. Perhaps the best way to fix this is to have your own faeces replanted or get donor faecal matter (see below - it works).

Testing for colon cancer

There is a simple non-invasive test for the early detection of colon cancer, called the M2-PK stool test. The enzyme biomarker M2-pyruvate kinase is an enzyme produced by colorectal cancers. The detection of M2-PK relates to changes in the tumour metabolism (tumours love to feed on sugar via a process called glycolysis). The test is able to detect both bleeding as well as non-bleeding colorectal cancers and polyps. A colonoscopy can only see a protruding polyp, but this test can detect non-protruding cancers in the colon. Studies show an accuracy of around 95% in detection rates. If the test come out positive, the recommendation is to have a colonoscopy. We think that this is wrong, given the damage to the colon that would be cause. If the test is positive M2-PK, then you should consult a doctor and you would need to make your own judgement on ruining your gut.


When induced with various types of cancer, animals who receive astaxanthin treatment demonstrate reduced growth and frequency of tumours. Astaxanthin may play a role in activating the body’s anti-cancer immune system, as well as possibly even activating certain genes that are known to inhibit the development of tumours

Cancer is a dietary disease that can be cured with food and lifestyle changes.
(not with butchery and poisonous drugs)

Anti-cancer foods

Anti-cancer supplements

Old age could bring you Alzheimer's, dementia, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, stress and cancer. Even ending up in a nursing home or requiring the family to care of you.  Regain your quality of life by making a start today.



Sources: Journal of the American Medical Association.