Almond Milk

Almond milk isn't milk. It's an industrial nut-flavoured sugar drink! Almond milk is just one of the plant-based Frankenstein milks that increasingly dominate our supermarket shelves.

Almonds themselves are a pretty decent nut that makes a great snack. But despite being a good source of fibre, protein and vitamin E, almonds contain anti-nutrients such as phytic acid which sucks minerals out of your bones, and oxalates which cause kidney stones. Oxalates are a mitochondrial toxin that inhibits cellular energy processes and the citric acid cycle. High oxalate levels sap your energy and cause blood sugar problems. Almonds also contain aflatoxins and traces of cyanide, polyphenols and glyphosate pesticide residues. Almonds have relatively high levels of omega-6 compared to omega-3.

Almond milk is sold as a healthy drink with a premium price. But in reality, it's a fake health product that spikes insulin and contains unhealthy additives. This fake milk is an industrial product made from the leftover parts of almonds which are crushed from small, broken or disfigured nuts. It takes around 5 almonds to make 250ml of commercial almond milk. Water is added to the almond paste, and the chemistry starts with the following ingredients.

  • Palm oil or canola oil. These are terrible polyunsaturated oils that, are prone to oxidation.
  • Calcium carbonate for whitening and a source of calcium.
  • Stabilisers, such as guar and gellan gums, can cause bloating and diarrhoea.
  • Emulsifiers and thickening agents. These could include Carrageenan which causes gut inflammation.
  • Artificial flavourings.
  • Added sugars, such as high fructose corn syrup. Some of the worst almond milks contain 10g of sugar per 250ml. This is not far from Coca-Cola.
  • Other nuts. Many manufacturers add other cheaper nut wastes.

Almonds are grown in hot arid regions and are indigenous to the Middle East, but most of the World's production comes from California. They require vast amounts of water and pesticides and are not environmentally friendly crops.

A far better alternative to Almond Milk is to use whole-fat milk or cream, as nature intended, ideally from an organic or pasture-fed cow.

To summarise, if you want to drink milk, get it from a cow!